After 9/11, the crew found a huge shipwreck under the foundations of the World Trade Center Towers

A crew sent to clean up the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks stumbled upon a centuries-old shipwreck. When the site of the World Trade Center attack was unearthed in 2010, researchers found strange things under the rubble. According to Futurism, archaeologists have found an ancient ship 22 feet (6.7 meters) below the road. Continue reading After 9/11, the crew found a huge shipwreck under the foundations of the World Trade Center Towers

Father fakes own death to teach family a ‘lesson’ before attending his own funeral

Perhaps most of us have already imagined what our funeral will look like. Questions such as “Who is there, what is said about us, is there someone there?” arouse the curiosity of everyone. just me? doesn’t matter. Continue reading Father fakes own death to teach family a ‘lesson’ before attending his own funeral

Store owner stops selling Pepsi after seeing new logo on bottle

“We could lose customers because of this,” he said. He further explained that he noticed a recent shipment of Pepsi products bearing the NFL emblem. “I don’t bend,” he said. “As long as athletes are allowed to bow and disrespect the flag and the country I love, that’s not the case.” Most of his friends and customers supported his decision. Continue reading Store owner stops selling Pepsi after seeing new logo on bottle

The flight attendant forced the pregnant mother to clean up the spilled food

Anthony Bass’ 22-week-pregnant wife was forced to get on her hands and knees to clean up after their toddler dropped popcorn on the floor of a United Airlines flight, and the Toronto Blue Jays star vented his anger on Twitter. Continue reading The flight attendant forced the pregnant mother to clean up the spilled food